About Us
Why Bucketheads?
Bucketheads Sports Bar & Grill was founded in 2006 by Rhinelander local Mike Hastreiter.
Since 2006, it's always been a family owned and operated sports bar. His parents Denny and Mary help out in all facets of the operation and can frequently be seen enjoying a drink at the bar or enthusiastically ringing a cowbell during a Packers game.
Just like the Hodag, Bucketheads has a legendary story behind it's name as well. Back in the early 2000's the Brewers Buckethead Brigade was started by the Brewers TV announcers. Every Tuesday night there was a home game, fans would pack into a designated section in left field, wear buckets on their heads and unite to cheer on their local team.
While the brigade is no longer, we think of Bucketheads as that local spot you can come and unite and enjoy your favorite local Wisconsin beer, eat some delicious food and cheer on your local sports teams.
Remember, we also offer free deliveries on weekdays between 11am and 2pm, but please call as early as possible because delivery time slots fill up quickly.​
Cheers and "Drink Wisconsinbly",

Hours of Operation
*Kitchen is open Mon-Sat 11am-10pm and Sundays 11am-9pm
Mon: 11:00am - 2:00am
Tue: 11:00am - 2:00am
Wed: 11:00am - 2:00am
Thu: 11:00am - 2:00am
Fri: 11:00am - 2:30am
Sat: 11:00am - 2:30am
Sun: 11:00am - 2:00am

Book your event at Bucketheads!
If you’d like to book a large party, meeting or event, please call us at 715-369-5333 or fill out the form below and we will get back to you ASAP.